Thursday, May 23, 2013

Summer is coming!

I had to chuckle that I hadn't realized how close we are to the end of the school year.  It wasn't until an old co-worker posted on FB that there were only 9 days left of school that it dawned on me that in just a few days I will have all three kids, each three years apart, at home again with me again all day for 3 months!  Holy buckets do I need to get some things planned out or we will all lose our minds!  Ha!

I'm so excited to go through the full summer here at our house.  Last year was so wild and crazy with us moving from our old house on the very last day of the school year and living out of a suitcase for the next 7 weeks until we moved here.  It's hard to believe that we are so close to being here for one full year.

Anyway, back to the three little people that I need to keep entertained for 3 months.  I'm so looking forward to not watching the clock and to have those wonderful, lazy summer mornings with the kids....but I know that I need to have some activities mapped out throughout the summer.  Here is my list of things so far -- some of these are annual events, some we have done once or twice and some are totally new.  I'd love to hear your thoughts and things you think I should add to the list.

  • visit all the parks in our city - one or two parks a week and picnic lunch
  • swimming beach
  • make a tic tac toe board on a stump and paint rocks for play pieces
  • visit the zoo and zoo farm
  • geocaching
  • Caponi Art Park
  • Sculpture Garden and Sebastian Joe's IceCream
  • Fort Snelling....I don't think I've ever been there
  • Art Museum
  • Minnehaha Falls
  • Arboretum
  • Shoots and Ladders Park
  • Playdates with friends from old hood
  • Hiking trails
  • Weekend camping trips
  • Visit to Island G&G
  • Cabin
  • Mini golf/go carts
  • water park
  • camp in backyard
  • set up swimming pool / sprinklers
  • make a water station using pvc pipes
  • ride bikes to local farmer's market (tuesdays)
  • Moms group outings
  • visit the other libraries in the county
  • swimming lesson camp
  • golf with E
  • see a movie
  • go to a drive in or local movie in the park
  • kids participate in a service project
  • Explore local bike paths
And that's what I've come up with so far.  Let me know if you have other ideas that would be fun for an 8, 5 and 2 year old.

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Porch Make-Over

The porch is my favorite room in the house.  When we originally looked at the house we fell in love with the kitchen and it's big window (is it weird to have a favorite window???).  Seconds later I fell even more in love as my eyes moved out to the porch.  The windows, privacy, relaxed's a great room.  We bought the wicker set from the previous owners, but dark green really isn't my favorite color, in fact it's probably my least favorite color (sorry people who love green) so I had pictured something different from the start.  Blues, yellows, oranges...something like that.  So, this is how the porch went from this: this!
I recovered the seats in the Trellis Blue.  Bought some new pillow forms and made all new pillow cases. Got a new floral rug (just barely seen on right) that goes out to deck. The woven table cloth was a gift to me years ago from a good friend and was part of the color was the pot on that 3 legged stool.  That pot was also a gift to me years ago as I had hoped to someday have a blue and yellow room.  I plan to paint that little 3-legged stool and also that square, brown table in the corner.  It's pretty scratched up on the top and a coral or even lime green could be fun.  A new lamp is also in the works for that corner...something a little more porchey....that's a word....right???  Haha!
This back wall was also painted as it had been the dark, forest green to match the stripes.  It's the same blue paint in Nikkel's room...had a bit left over and figured we may as well use what we have!  Sconces were added on each side of that window.    The black little table there had been in the living room housing our tv....but I think it works okay out there.  This wall needs something, porchey type things.  I have some floating shelves that could be staggered here...just not sure yet.
Here's a close-up of the fabrics.  I fell in love with the birds and flowers.  We are really loving our backyard and learning about all the it just seemed perfect for the room.
 As far as sewing the cushions, I just kind of winged it and traced the shape of the cushion and went for it.  The only thing I wish I had done was make it just a bit tighter.  I went with the measurements of the seat and really I should have gone down in a inch....I can always go and take it in....but we'll see how much it really bugs me over time....sewing that large cushion closed was a bit of a challenge.  The pillows....the two long ones on the back are envelope style pillows and the red ones have zippers.  Zippers can be tricky, but I got it down pretty well by sixth pillow ;-) So, overall, I'm really pleased with how it all turned out.  
If you're ever in the neighborhood, please stop over and join us on the porch for a cup of tea or a G&T! 

Monday, May 6, 2013

Big Boy Bed

Any guesses who that boy is in the big boy bed???
 It's Nikkels!!!!!!!!!!
I had been digging my heels in a bit making the transfer from crib to bed.  Part of it had to do with not wanting to admit my little guy is not so much of a baby anymore.  But mostly, I wasn't sure how the transition would go....would he be out of his bed a million times in one night?  Would he be up at 5:30 in the morning staring at me from the side of my bed asking for breakfast?  Things are good in a put 'em in there and there they stay! Life is easy like that.  But, it was time.  PLUS, I had all these fun new things for his new room!  For starters, we painted the room blue as it had been crayon red.  The previous owners used this room for their office and it worked for that, not a little boys room.  So, I painted it blue and made the construction theme duvet cover and curtains.  The stuffed fabric, Smile, above his bed was in my room when I was a little girl. 
I made the duvet cover with the trucks for the top, and the underside is a soft flannel.  I put snaps in at the bottom of the duvet for easy washing and also attached snaps to the inside corners of the duvet and also to the comforter itself so it doesn't shift.  Snaps seem pretty easy to match up so I'm pretty pleased with how that turned out.
 The curtains are just sewn with finished edges and the hardware was from IKEA.  Super easy.
And now he gets to have big brother read him stories at night!
 And how is the transition???  Going well!  The first night he didn't make a peep.  Nap the 2nd day was no big thing as he was so tired.  But the 2nd night he was out a bunch of times....he'd peek out his door, then tiptoe to Dot's room.  I'd walk him back and he'd get back in bed.  Finally when he peeked out his door and saw me standing right there, that seemed to do the trick.  Each nap is getting easier and bedtime went really well tonight.  He seems happy enough as long as he can have some books in bed to read to Roger, his teddy bear.  And we haven't had any early birds....yet!