Thursday, June 13, 2013

Chore Chart

We are home for the summer and I wanted to get organized with a routine of chores.  The kids are really good with their daily chores of getting ready, brushing teeth, making beds, etc...but it's always nice to have it written down.  Makes it much more official that way, you know?  And the same for the extra daily chores....if it's on the board, it just HAS to get done, right?  And so far, it's been great.  They have been really good about doing their chores and then checking out the Help Wanted section.    Here's a look at the board in the kitchen.
 The Daily Chores change each day, although I think this will pretty much be the routine.  I made them with velcro so I can add more or moved them around.  The kids all participate somehow, each vacuuming their room, helping with garbage cans and picking up sticks, dusting, sweeping, etc. I find it easier that they all have the same job so I can teach them how to clean and help the little one out.
 This is just wasted space on the board since they all are good at their daily routine anyway...but, it never hurts to have it official.
 Help Wanted.  I gave up on allowance awhile just got to be ridiculous.  So I thought this would help out.  If you want spending money, you work for it.  That simple.  If you don't want to work extra and have money, that's fine too.  I put in a bunch of odd jobs - sweep off deck and deck table, weed, dust staircase, vacuum edges of carpet, wipe down kitchen appliances, wash windows, water flowers, etc.  They are listed on the popsicle stick along with the amount the job is worth.  When they finish the job, they put the stick in their envelope and wait til payday on Saturday.  Eliah, the worker, has scoped out the high paying jobs and has already earned $4 for the week and has plans to save it.  Ava has earned .25 and she's already planning on how to spend it.  Yup, I foresee some financial planning classes in her future.  ;-)
So, that's our summer chore chart!  Think it will work!