Thursday, December 1, 2011

Christmas Crayons

 What to do with all those broken crayons that no one wants to use?  Chop them down and make jumbo crayons!  And since it's December, why not use the Christmas muffin tray....found at the $1 spot at Target!  Whoo-hoo! 
Dot thought this was so fun....peeling the wrappers off the took her forever to get them done, but she loved it!
I chopped them into pieces and she decided where the colors should go.
 Pop them in the oven at 250 degrees for 20 min, take them out to cool...that's it!
 Super fun, multi-color jumbo Christmas Tree crayons!

1 comment:

B&B said...

what will you two think of next?...I can't wait!!