We had Aaron's cousin's kids stay with us for a sleep over on Saturday night and we had loads of fun! The key to keeping some form of order was to have free play, outside time, organized activity and repeat. It really worked well keeping 5 little people happily entertained.
So, for one of the organized activities I planned a Treasure Hunt. I made it up the night before so it's nothing amazing, but it was sure a hit with the kids!
The night before they came over, I made some fake rocks to hold the clues for the treasure. There are a few different "recipes" for it online, but I used the one at the bottom of this post. I don't know what is wrong with me as I totally forgot to take a pix of the "rocks', but here is Dot finding the first rock "clue". I set it along the driveway and just waited for someone to notice it while we were out playing. I wrapped some twine around the rock with the attached note. Here Dot is looking at the rock and the boys are now interested....
This is what the note said:
S was the first one to figure out we needed to break open the rock to find the first clue. Oh my goodness! They thought that was SO cool and they were good about sharing turns to smash open the rock to reveal the next clue. The clues were printed out on paper and I stained them brown to make them look aged with wet coffee grounds....since I had them out for the rock dough anyway.
Here they are getting the first clue out of the rock.
E reading the clue out loud to the group.
I found these little canisters at the Dollar Store and that's what the clues were in inside the rock. I'm sure I could have just put the paper in the rock like a fortune cookie...but this seemed sort of "message in a bottle" kind of feel...and since I hadn't done this before I wasn't positive how the paper would hold up inside the rock.
Here they are trying to find the clue:
Climb up a rock wall mountain, but look out for alligators at the bottom.
The rock was hidden down in a corner of the swing set and this was probably the toughest find.
They also had some trouble with:
Sitting up on a wall, but unlike Humpty Dumpty, I did not fall.
That one was sitting on the retaining wall in the front yard.
Finally they get the last clue and Dot finds the Red Ribbon Tree in the woods and that's where the treasure was buried.
They took the canister up to the clubhouse where they opened it to find Ring Pops, super balls and "real" gold.
Ahhh, the magic of metallic gold spray paint and some landscaping rock.
The kids had a blast doing this and it was so fun to watch them run from front to back yard over and over as each would shout "I know where it is!" and they all take off running. It was hilarious and kept them busy for quite some time.
Treasure Rock Recipe:
1 cup used coffee grounds (damp or dry is fine)
1/4 cup sand
1/2 cup salt
1 cup flour
3/4 cup water
Just mix it all together so it sets up like thick dough. Shape it into rock shape balls and insert toy and wrap "dough" around it. You can leave them out to let them air dry for at least a couple days. Or, if you are a last minute kind of planner like me, you can bake them in your over at 150 for 30-40 minutes or so.
I added a touch of gold spray paint to our rocks to get them to stand out just a bit more. I mean really, metallic gold is just so fun and since I already had it out for the "treasure gold"....why not? A fun activity that the kids have already asked if we could do again.