Monday, September 10, 2012

Donuts and Dough

The other week I tried out my mini-donut pan for the first time!  The are baked, not fried and very yummy.  I will be trying some pumpkin spice ones soon, but you can check out the regular recipe I used here.  I used a simple cinnamon and sugar mix for the coating - yum!
 Today we made Cloud Dough - to play in, not eat.  We used about 8 cups of flour and 1 1/4 cup vegetable oil.  You can use baby oil as I have done in the past but with Nikkels I thought the veggie oil would be better.
 It was such a lovely day we decided to do this outside on the driveway so we wouldn't have to be worried about making a mess.
 And that's a good thing since my tarp I put down under the kids turned out to be pointless, the navy blue shorts Nikkels was wearing eventually looked gray....
 And this is what the dog looks like after licking/snorting loads of flour - I think he's in the middle of a sneeze here.
They had loads of fun...they made tire tracks, snow mounds, hand/foot prints.  We got out the little toy kitchen and they had fun pretending to make food at their restaurant...the possibilities are endless.  If you aren't afraid of a little mess...this is a must with little people.

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