I am ridiculously excited to share with you my new art room. We have a colonial style house with the typical formal dining room and formal living room on the sides of the entry. The dining room is fine, but that formal living room is just silly. Since we moved in last August all that room has had was a hutch, an old couch (that was supposed to go the basement but it wouldn't fit down the stairs) and a sofa table (which now will act as a sewing table). It was empty, silly looking and pretty much a romper room for the kids. We have talked about tearing out the back wall to join the living room on the back of the house...but that would be quite a costly project. So, for the last few months we have just left it alone and figured time would tell us what to do with it - putting pretty furniture in it to make a room look nice, but never used, was never an option for us. We just don't live that way. Anyway, one day I was sitting in there and thinking to myself that I wish my art area downstairs in the basement was up here...since this is where the majority of my life is lived with the kids - hey! I could turn this room into my art room...and that's how the room became this......
This is what you see from the front entry.
I knew that for this room to work and not look like a pit, I needed a focal point, something useful, practical - but also nice to look at. I knew I wanted a butcher block top which I found at IKEA in their kitchen dept - it's larger than their desk sizes. For the base I tried all kinds of bookshelves, cube type shelving and was so discouraged by cheap furniture. So I then started the Craigslist hunt looking for low dressers (but at least 36" high as I wanted it to be counter height), bookshelves, buffets, sideboards, etc. And that's when I came across the store
Nadeau in Uptown. They have all kinds of things I just mentioned - painted, refurbished, etc and I fell in love with this little sideboard. The cabinets can be opened from each side the drawers pull all the way through. We drilled the butcher block on from underneath and now a stool can be brought up on each side. I think it will be a fun place to store fabric.

Don't mind the paintings on the floor...they need to be hung up yet and the Mondrian print needs to come down...just haven't gotten to that yet. I also picked up that Poang Chair from Ikea...I wanted a little chair in there for reading, knitting...but nothing too big...Suzy, our 16 1/2 year old cat seems to like it. I like the fun colors in the fabric print. My sewing machine is on the sofa table...I need to find a chair.

This is the same Expedit shelving that I had downstairs, but you may notice I changed the background. People....never underestimate the power of a fabric shower curtain. They are cheap, well made and they fit PERFECTLY behind the largest Expedit system. Gives a nice pop of color instead of just the boring background wall. Fabric shower curtains often have the latest colors and prints and since they are somewhat water and mildew resistant, the fabric can also be used for covered porch/patio furniture. They wash up really well..and again, you get a ton of fabric for a pretty good price.

And check this out...this is a floor loom for weaving! I have a floor loom! (Thank you Cindy!) Seriously, my creative soul is just oozing with excitement to figure this thing out. I know the basics of weaving and took a couple classes back in college and absolutely loved it! However, I never learned how to dress a loom so there will be a good deal of learning going on before I whip out anything on this thing...so don't hold your breath. But, I promise to share my progress.

I also organized all my knitting patterns in plastic sleeves and put in 3 ring binders...they were a 100% disaster and I've been wanting to do that for a long time. Then I sorted all my extra yarns by yarn type and put in those in the brown baskets on the Expedit shelf. Kept my "pretty" yarns out in the open for inspiration...plus they just look nice. ;-) There is one more row of storage yet under the brown baskets...there I keep some photo albums, art books and craft paper for Dot. She likes to sit at the easel and draw while I'm working in here.

And if you look again at the first picture, we put in track lighting above the art table. This room didn't have a hard wired ceiling light, so the nice people at Home Depot clued me in to this...the track lighting has a plug in that attaches to the end, runs across ceiling and down the wall to plug in the wall outlet. It's mostly hidden behind the Expedit. It's pretty slick and you don't really notice the cord against the white ceiling. The plug it goes to is actually wired to the switch on the wall. Cool! Having it hard wired would of course be much better and not deal with the cord...but that would involve hiring an electrician...and this seemed like the most cost effective choice for now.
So, there you have it. My art room will continue to go through more changes, but for now, I feel like it's finished enough to start getting creative. Off to do some research on floor looms!