Sunday, February 24, 2013

Weaving Weekend

I had an awesome weekend at my floor loom weaving class.  19 hours of crash course weaving!  I learned how to prep the warp on the warping board (seen below) and attach to the loom.  I had never done this step before and it's a little crazy, but totally fun.

Once you get the loom dressed, you get to start the weaving...the really fun part!  Since this was a class, they gave us two patterns to choose from, neither of which I was in love with, but hey, we're learning the process here and that was the most important thing.

The warp strings are the purple and gold, with the weft for weaving a burgundy/wine color.

The next three pix don't show the colors right...the top ones are more accurate, but I'm taking these at night in crappy lighting because I'm too excited to wait til morning.  :-)
 I haven't decided what to do with the fringe yet.
 And see that pretty wood bowl and candle holders?  Made by my Dad!  Looks good, huh?
 So, now I'm ready to tackle a project on my own loom.  Will keep you posted!

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