Friday, December 16, 2011

Christmas Tree Sun Catchers

 Today we made Christmas Tree Sun Catchers.  They had a lot of fun doing this one...but I really don't think there is a craft they wouldn't like....especially Dot.  Anyway, we just sort of made this up as we went along as you can make a sun catcher with pretty much any theme.

I cut out a tree for them to trace on their own paper.  They did their own tracing and cutting...both choosing "fancy" scissors for the edges.  Then we mapped out where our crayon shavings would go on the wax paper.  I shaved a few crayon colors earlier in the morning so they wouldn't have to wait around for that.  Once they had their crayon pieces on the wax paper (you really don't need very much) it was ready to iron.  I have an ancient old iron that I use for school projects but your regular home one would be fine, but you MUST put a cloth in between the wax paper and the iron.  The crayons sort of sneaks thru onto the cloth...not on your iron.  Just press down with the iron, don't slide it or it pushes the shavings out of the wax paper.  It takes just seconds to melt the crayon.
We then just trimmed up the wax paper edges and taped to the back of our black paper.  Since Dot is all about the flair, glitter seemed like a must for this project, so out came the glitter glue!  And they chose a colored puff ball for the "star" on the top of the tree.
 Not the greatest arrangement, we just kind of threw them up on the window to see how they would look.  I wanted to get a pix of the girls with their tree....but by the time we got cleaned up, they had moved on to other adventures....making train tracks, playing dress up and building Lego's.  A very fun lesson and I'm sure we'll do them again in blues for snowflakes, pinks for Valentine's day, etc.

1 comment:

B&B said...

I think they are gorgeous!