Sunday, May 6, 2012

Chalk Paint

Dot lives for Chalk Paint.  I don't think a day goes by that we don't create some kind of art on our driveway with Sidewalk Chalk.  With a scribble of chalk and some water, you rub your hands and feet in it and make some really cool "paw prints"

 Or you can make "stamps" with cut up pieces of a swim noodle.  Isn't this perfect?  
Rub in wet chalk paint....
 make a few stamps...paint doesn't show up until it dries a little....
 Add the details!
 But really....why stop there???
We go thru a lot of sidewalk chalk....
 Or, you can give them chalk, a bowl of water and some giant, old paint brushes.... 

And you can paint yourself  a friend!  The possibilities are endless!
When Nikkels isn't helping Dot paint, you can find him playing with the water bucket....
or IN the water bucket.

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