Sunday, December 18, 2011

Elf traps don't work....

Brownie must have been keeping warm or reading by candle light last night.
Tonight E wanted to try to catch Brownie in a trap...this is what he came up with:

As you probably already know, Elves have a major candy craving, so E baited the trap with a candy cane.  They are hoping that as Brownie crawls under to get the candy, the box will fall off the stand and trap him in the box.  But, I'm sure you have already figured out that Brownie is just a little too fast for that.  The 2nd pix shows a little note that the kids will find in the tripped box in the morning along with the empty candy cane wrapper.  The note simply says: Nice Try - Love, Brownie

In fact, not only was Brownie able to get the candy by rappelling down from the bird cage, get the candy without being trapped, but he also was sneaky like a spy....and don't all spies need a good black mask???
Doh...there he goes with the candy.  Sneaky Elf!

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