Friday, December 16, 2011

Our Christmas Elf, Brownie

The other week we joined The Elf on the Shelf craze and got our very own Christmas Elf, who the kids named Brownie.  It's an adorable story about how each family has an Elf that flies back to the North Pole to report to Santa if kids have been good or bad.  Each night the Elf flies back and ends up in a new spot in the house (provided mom and dad remember to move him), sometimes doing some silly tricks on the kids.  The best rule from the book is that kids can not touch the Elf or he will lose his magical powers to fly (BRILLIANT! as this prevents squabbles from kids playing with him).  I have been having loads of fun doing this and the kids really enjoy looking for him each morning.  Here are some of the places he has ended up in our house.
Since it's been too warm here and no snow, Brownie had to make his own on the kitchen table.
 Doing a little winter camping under the Christmas tree.

 Doesn't a hot bath after camping always feel amazing?!  It must have felt so good to him, being from the North Pole and all, as he found himself here for a couple days.  This happened just at the same time that mom and dad were both not feeling well....strange.
 He made up for it by T.P'ing the house.

 He's pointing to somewhere...trying to blame someone else is my guess....
 Hmmm, the toilet paper roll on the hat kind of gives it away.  E thought this was so funny!
 These are my Grandmother's carolers.  Aren't they sweet.  Love the faces.  Looks like Brownie doesn't want to miss out on the fun.
 Sugar Rush or belly ache?  He cleaned out the candy dish and left all the wrappers.  Dot was NOT pleased with this one!
 Making friends with the "locals" and playing Connect 4 with TinkerBell.
 Found a quiet spot to read a book.
 Must have been missing the North Pole as we found him in the refrigerator next to the milk and whipped cream with a couple cookies from the freezer in hand. 
 But look!  He was prepared with a scarf and earmuffs!
One more week to go and then Brownie will get packed up to go back to the North Pole until next year.  Stay tuned for more Elf adventures!

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