Thursday, November 10, 2011

Best Playdoh...Ever

Dot and I went to her ECFE class this morning.  It's just a family play time but we call it preschool.  She LOVES to go to school.  They have arts and crafts, free play and then circle time with songs and such.  They even had parachute time today...what a blast that was!  Anyway, they had a playdoh station today with the most amazing playdoh I have ever worked, how do they make it?  I was sent home with the recipe!  Hooray!  We made it right when we got home....however, I was short on salt so I had to fudge the recipe a bit, but it still worked.  I love when the kids are so ready to help.

Helping poor the water.
She only wanted light purple so a couple drops of red and blue.
Wearing her Tinkerbell apron and mixing.
Finally it's ready!  One gigantic ball of lavender playdoh!

Here's the recipe for Saturday PlayDough

Bring 2 cups water to a boil, while waiting mix:
2- Cups Flour
1 - Cup Salt
4 - tsp Cream of Tarter
Mix these dry ingredients then add:
2 - Tbls. vegetable oil
4 - Tbls lotion

When water comes to a boil add food coloring or a kool-aid packet for color and scent. Pour liquid into mixture and stir well.  Let dough cool and thicken, then knead.

What makes this playdough so great is the hand lotion.  It makes an amazing difference in how the dough feels and rolls out.  This recipe is also not crumbly.  One thing I can't stand are all those little dried out playdoh bits everywhere...this one stays soft and smooth and doesn't crumble apart.  Next time I'll use Kool-Aid...just not something I typically have on hand.  Wrap up in plastic wrap or a plastic bag and store in the lasts longer that way.  Have fun!


Anonymous said...

Must be fun to clean up...

B&B said...
