Monday, November 21, 2011


 Saturday afternoon we made Flubber.  What a wonderful time making this mess of ooey-gooey-ness.  The kids loved case you couldn't tell from their faces.  I'll post the recipe for Flubber below.
Dot made hers pink, E made his orange.

 We learned something have to take it out of the liquid mixture once it sets up a bit or else it will turn into one major mess of slime that simply won't form anymore. 
A nice little science experiment.
 Yup, we had to do a 2nd batch as our first turned to mush from being played with too much.
 That's better!   Flubber in bouncy, bending form.  You can even roll it in balls and they sort of turn super ball like.
 Just keep it in a ziplock baggie and your flubber will last for quite some time!
Flubber Recipe:
4 oz Elmers School Glue
4 oz water
1/2 tsp Borax
1/2 cup water
Food coloring (if you want a color)

Mix glue and equal amount of water in one bowl...add color if you wish
In 2nd bowl mix your 1/2 cup water (warmish) with Borax
Slowly mix the two together and you get flubber.
Have fun!

1 comment:

B&B said...

Amazing..who comes up with this stuff?? :-)