Sunday, November 13, 2011

Envelope Pillow Info

So I realize I didn't give any info about how I made my pillow covers.  For a lot of you it may seem like a complete no brainer, but I do now sew.  I've made a few things like curtains, crib skirt, baby quilt...but they are all rather basic and the entire time I'm making it I feel on the edge like this could turn out really cool....or a complete disaster.  So, I'm learning.  I also have made statements that I hate to sew....this is actually not true.  I really enjoy making things...but I have no space to do it....I lug up my sewing machine from storage up to the kitchen table along with all the other things that are needed and I need to time this for when curious little hands are not around to "help".  It's kind of pain.  My dream is to have a craft room someday where I can leave a sewing machine table out and have a place for all my yarn, patterns, fabrics, etc.  ANYWAY, before starting last night I watched this 8 min video on making an envelope pillow cover.  She's clear, it's simple...yup...I can do this. 
Things that I've pillows were 18X18 so larger than hers.  I added a little more length for the overlap in back...but it wasn't quite enough.  The overlap tends to pucker and not lay as flat as I had hoped.  But I think I can easily fix that by putting in a little snap just to keep it in place a little more.  I even found snaps in my stash!  Perfect!
I also now wish I had gone with an even more bold bright design for the green ones.  They are nice, but it lacks something from a distance.  I love the floral design.  Best thing....I bought the fabric for $7 and change at Joann' the green, not in for now but if I feel like changing it again...I'm only out about $4!  How cool is that?
I also would like to learn how to do piping.  I found this tutorial that makes it seem doable.  I really think I'll try this on my next's all baby steps...right? 
Anyway, here's another pix of those finished pillows.  Louie seems to like them!

1 comment:

B&B said...

I think they are wonderful and, like the computer, I just knew that sewing machine would be put to use some day!! :-)